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  • Social Media Services Agency


Updated: Nov 17, 2021

So how can your business use Clubhouse? Simply put, there are five important ways that Social Media Services Agency believes brands can benefit from smart new applications.

Build a dedicated clubhouse community

As mentioned earlier, Clubhouse is ideal for creating a compelling community where viewers can feel connected to their brand.

Get feedback from clubhouse users using the platform

Create a room and ask for feedback on a product, service, or idea. People can provide immediate live feedback on what they want to see or what they think is missing.

Keep business news and trends up to date

Clubhouse exclusivity means it's a great place to follow influencers in the industry. You can also monitor your competitors and track the categories related to your niche.

Emissions and company announcement news

Create rooms and promote new products and features. Having a relevant community can help you raise expectations and get feedback before you go.

Connect with industry-leading ideas and influence

Establish valuable business relationships by contributing to conversations with industry members.

Is the clubhouse perfect for me?

As with any new social media platform, you need to spend time in your clubhouse to see what your application needs to offer before you spend the time and effort of using it.

Join the platform and play. Once you see the potential, it may be time to start thinking about how you want to leverage your brand. Here are some good questions to ask:

  • Are topics related to your product or industry widely discussed on the platform?

  • Is there an opinion leader or company expert who can accommodate one or two rooms to increase knowledge and credibility in the clubhouse?

  • Do competitors use clubhouses? Can our experience be better than theirs?

  • Is it possible to include Clubhouse in my current voice-only strategy? For example, can you customize video questions and answers, webinars, or virtual events?

If you usually answer "yes" to the above, Clubhouse may be right for you! For others, your audience may not be appropriate for your application.

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