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Clubhouse Aimed to Foster Diversity. Is it Working?

Updated: Nov 17, 2021

The invite-only social media app, Clubhouse is still technically in beta mode but after a few appearances from the likes of Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, everyone wanted to join. Its audio-only platform has exploded to host about 10 million users worldwide on both iOS & Android devices with more than 500 five-star ratings which shows how successful this new form of entertainment is!

Conversations occur in real-time about everything from international politics to watch parties, and you can dip into rooms without saying a word or being invited “on stage”. The app is an interactive virtual conference room where users discuss topics with each other on different levels of conversation: personal interactions like talking about family members; casual conversations ranging from sports scores up through deep philosophical discussions that could last for hours!

The clubhouse was created as a place where people who want more interaction outside their everyday lives meet others just like them online - but now some cubbies have been taking these conversations offline too...

Intimacy at Scale

Like Zuckerberg, Paul Davison, and Rohan Seth of Alpha Exploration started their social experiment small. Unlike him, though they wanted to make sure that the feedback from people would be heard loud and clear so early on in order not avoid making noise until everything felt perfect for release; but as soon as Silicon Valley caught indication happened-and this couldn't happen without creating some sort of stir!

"I think one reason people love Clubhouse is that you're not going to find any other conversations like them," said Jordan Harrod, a user who joined in November 2020 after hearing about the app on Twitter. "There's something special and unique about being able to interact with others face-to-face."

"But then as soon as we were already engaged in too many rooms where everything felt pretty standard for social media apps these days - same old status updates every day - it started feeling less exciting than before," she added.

The Evolution of Clubhouse

The clubhouse has always been a place where people from all over the world could come and speak their minds without fear of judgment. But it wasn't until recently when they created ClubHouse Pro-Vibe Mode; this new function allowed members with voice insecurity or anxiety an opportunity to share in groups while still feeling confident about themselves - something not even available before then!

Clubhouse's newest addition adds another layer: allowing anyone who wants one (with two invites) access into what was once exclusive space only given by invitation—and now we see how quickly exclusivity becomes obsolete.

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