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Updated: Nov 17, 2021

PROS of Clubhouse:

So, what’s the good and the bad about using Clubhouse? We think the pros outweigh the cons, but here’s a decision to decide for yourself:


In 2021, people want credibility. It looks for credible connections because people feel uneasy during financial uncertainties and major news events. This includes the brands you interact with.

Is there a better way to create a real feeling than a lively and unfiltered discussion? Unlike podcasts, the audience knows that the clubhouse conversation hasn't been edited. This makes it even more reliable. With the ability to include your audience as speakers in your mix, you'll have instant access to powerful community-building tools.


The application initially started with a panel-led discussion about entertainment, business, and technology, but brands have been developing ways to use the platform. There Clubhouse Room Visitors feature is used to increase popularity.

A cocktail brand called Loop shows how to set up a room where people can enjoy cocktails and participate in casual conversations without a specific topic, and use the application to create a sense of connection with the community. If you want people to talk about your product, or just create a community, it's a good idea to start with a similar idea.


The clubhouse user base is built around influencers and opinion leaders.

A good conversation will be an opinion leader. Increase brand awareness and credibility by providing a place to talk about issues that your industry or product solves and answer questions in the process.


People are fed up with the screen and the mere audio look of the clubhouse means that it doesn't need to be glued to the screen. Even better, they can listen and contribute along the way. This means you're less likely to withdraw like traditional websites and Facebook Live.

CONS of Clubhouse

Limited release

Of course, the scope will be limited until the clubhouse is available to everyone. The double-edged sword in an exclusive application is attractive but limited in scope. This means that your audience is currently too narrow for some marketers, depending on who your target audience is.

Potential competition

Everyone knows that Mark Zuckerberg likes to buy successful new applications and compete fiercely. Facebook seems to have already started.

If one of the competitors removes the exclusivity of the application and provides the same experience to people on the existing platform, the competitor may not switch and limits the growth potential of the application.

Can feel like a podcast or speech radio show without working

Sometimes editing is good. Have you ever turned on the radio and listened to an intriguing show? Podcasts have been edited, but often you only need to listen to the parts you're interested in. It will be interesting to see if people continue to enjoy long unedited conversations or are beginning to miss sharper edited content.


Of course, the lack of editing means that you can avoid difficult questions. Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, broke into the room with Robinhood Markets CEO Vlad Tenev and asked why brokers were preventing users from buying and selling GameStop and other manipulated stocks. It's a fascinating conversation, but probably not the one Tenev wanted people to hear when he opened the room.

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