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How to create a professional Twitch stream | XBOX, PS4, PC

Updated: Nov 17, 2021

Streaming on Twitch has become my favorite way to create content. I can share my immortal love for video games while my viewers are experiencing all the anger and excitement with the bonus of direct interaction.

What couldn't you love? As the number of streamers on the platform grows, it doesn't look like you're the only one in this effort. Far cry. Many up-and-coming streamers take action every nanosecond, especially now that getting started streaming on Twitch has never been easier. Perfect for us who want all the glory with as little effort as possible. Not very suitable for increasingly thin auditory margins.

The Twitch tutorial on my stream seems to have a long sequence of ways to get more viewers.

So how does it stand out? Do I need to get a second mortgage to start a professional broadcast? Is streaming on Twitch just a dream now?

do not be afraid. There's a way to start streaming on Twitch, attract viewers to your channel, and become a professional streamer that won't break your bank.

Streaming to Twitch from PS4 and Xbox One

I already feel your eyes rolling, and I understand. You can work with the click of a button in the console, but the features and styles section rarely offers it.

But you'll be amazed at the transmitters that use only consoles, headsets, and perhaps cameras that attract a large audience and receive donations.

As the old saying of content creators says, "Nothing beats a fascinating personality." You'll be amazed at the number of Twitch streamers with clear, professional channels with all the bells and whistles, showing almost nothing. Streaming for contracts from PS4 or Xbox One is the perfect gateway to prove to be my favorite addiction. All you have to do is create a Twitch account (obviously!), Log in from the console's power settings, and use the sharing feature to start showing what you have to the world.

Most console streamers use a headset connected to a PS4 or Xbox One controller. SteelSeries Arctis 3 Console Wired Headphones are cost-effective because they're housed in a crystal-clear microphone with ear-friendly bass. You can get a Blue Snowball condenser mic for the same money, but you'll have to listen to the game on your TV. Unfortunately, only PS4 owners can afford to use the right microphone. The Xbox One has a solution, but there are still many demands for sound quality.

To get the cup into the Twitch stream, you'll need a PS4 PlayStation camera, or a Kinect sensor if you're using an Xbox One. But for a little money, find one of these and do your best. Tilt the camera at a right angle to make the viewer look bright during the day and activate the front camera in the broadcast settings.

You also have several options to view the chat and start communicating with the Twitch viewer. Both PS4 and Xbox One have an interface that displays chat on the screen.

However, you have to sacrifice a little real estate because it has the advantage of keeping an eye on the action. However, we recommend that you download the Twitch application to your mobile phone, or if possible, keep your laptop or computer nearby to access chats individually.

You need to get used to checking chats regularly, which means that your game and your face are available in all full-screen glory.

We took care of the simple life of a console transmitter. Now let's talk about how to start streaming from your Twitch computer.

Streaming to Twitch from a PC

The console makes it easy to set up a Twitch stream and is a great way to get in through the proverbial door. However, if you want to improve your streaming game, you should consider streaming from your computer to Twitch.

You may have heard that you need a beast-like machine to run a semi-decent stream through the vineyards. That may have been true in the old days of Twitch. These days, a decent gambling laptop will work.

Whether you're launching a PS4 or Xbox One or upgrading, you've seen many YouTube users see cheap buildings. The hard part of streaming from your PC to Twitch is choosing and setting up your streaming software. I decided to pay for Xsplit from the beginning because I could run a clean stream with minimal effort. If you don't have much time to tweak the settings, I highly recommend it, at least at the beginning of your Twitch streaming adventure.

Do you want to pay? Don't worry, Streamlabs OBS has your back. Twitch streamers have been using open broadcast software for years and for good reason. This is a powerful animal that, when deployed, gives you great control over the quality of your broadcast.

SLOBS is a version of OBS developed by the people who run Streamlabs that incorporates all the bells and whistles, including followers and donation alerts. The advantage of SLOBS is that you don't have to worry because you can perform an initial automatic configuration that determines the optimal settings.

After ordering your streaming software, consider the most important Twitch streaming bit, audio. All the valuable "Streaming in Twitch Tutorials" should tell you that the sound is king and there is a good reason.

Get the most beautiful images, the sharpest game material, and the face of Chris Hemsworth. If the audio sounds like it's passing through a noisy cheese grater, the viewer goes out immediately.

That's why it's important to have a decent USB microphone. Do you remember the blue snowman I mentioned earlier? It's a long way to go before you have to upgrade to the love of Blue Yeti, the world of Twitch's streaming. Running a mug like Hemsworth is also the key to getting started with Twitch. You see, people aren't going to Twitch to enjoy the YouTube Let's Play experience. They want to interact and are generally agreed to be the way faces that match sweet and erotic voices go.

To reach this computer, other entry-level Twitch streamers have adopted the gold standard Logitech C920. Today, it has been around for some time, so it is often for sale. From now on, it depends on where the game comes from. PC streamers can capture games directly with a single computer setup, so no additional hardware is required. If you're upgrading from a PS4 or Xbox One, you'll need the appropriate catch card.

The Elgato HD60 is another Twitch streamer favorite and can be purchased at a relatively low price. AverMedia also creates some great catch charts. Pff! I'm ready to start streaming on Twitch and access Super Stardom, but where are all the viewers?

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